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Photo: © Magaly Briand
Having a keyboardist of this level is a real luxury for Spain, not only because he is able to meet up to a great amount of challenges from the standpoint of excellence, but also because he stands as one of the most capable harpsichordists and organists of his generation in the world.
- Mario Guada, Codalario
Everything is a joy for the senses, there is no other way to call it. The organist loves and understands this music in such a way that he conveys the true essence of the score. You couldn't ask for more.
- Álvaro de Dios, La Gaceta de Salamanca
The virtuoso Spanish organist of the new generation, Daniel Oyarzabal, made his strong point clear in the interpretation of the greatest organ compositions of all times, in particular those by Johann Sebastian Bach.
- Jürgen Kück, Süddeutsche Zeitung
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