Basque art, rich as no other in influences, has left us, above all, much popular music. It is an eminently musical people and this is one of the reasons why early music is considered as one of the most valuable means of transferring the Basque legacy to the world.
The commitment that Euskal Barrokensemble has to itself and to Basque culture leads them to try to present a vision of a cosmopolitan Euskel Herria, linked to the world, a people made up of many times by Muslims, Jews, Christians... whose reflection in language and art It is evident and located in the center of the great art route in Europe that was the Camino de Santiago. A people with evident singularities such as having one of the most unclassifiable and oldest languages ​​in the world, musical instruments that are so similar and different from those of the people that surround it, and that developed their art from the beginning in the same as the neighbors around him.

Legacy of the land of Basque
1. Kontrapas. Bernart Etxepare – Herrikoia
2. Perutxoren Kantua. Gaspar Gómez (1536) – Traditional
3. Sibilaren Profezia. Joanes Etxeberri (s. XVI) – Chant liturgique
4. Aragueako Petrika. Traditional
5. Janzu Janto. Cancionero de Palacio
6. Zure begiok nekusenean. Joan Pérez de Lazarraga
7. Ürrütiko Kantorea. Traditional
8. Urruska Fandangoa. Traditional
9. Izan nüzü Prantzian. Traditional – Juan Vásquez
10. Con amores, la mi madre. Johannes de Antxieta
11. Cantar de Urrejola. J.P. de Lazarraga – Traditional
12. Gaiza Zenduan Lenizanok. Traditional – Chanson anonyme
13. Ternuako porrue. Traditional
14. Acuerdo de Judimendi. Chant liturgique Juif
15. Ave Sanctissima. Maria Johannes de Antxieta
16. Koumis-Ezpatadantza. Traditional – Tabassian
17. Hamar Manamenduiak. Bernart Etxepare – Luis Alberto de Gómez
18. Salve Regina. Gonzalo Martínez de Bizkargi
19. Sonata en Re. Mateo Pérez de Albéniz
20. Dianea. Joan Pérez de Lazarraga
21. Barri Onak Dakart. Mss. J.P. de Lazarraga – F. de Salinas
22. Bralea. Traditional
23. Argizagi ederra. Traditional
*Arrangement by Enrike Solinís
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Maika Etxekopar, Leire Berasaluze, Mikel Etxekopar | Voices
Miren Zeberio | Violin
Sabin Bikandi | Alboka/Txistu
Kiya Tabassian | Setar
Rami Alqhai | Viola da gamba
Pablo Martín Caminero | Violone
Daniel Oyarzabal | Organ
Daniel Garay, Xabier Leturia, David "Chupete" | Percussion
Daniele Carnovich | Bass
David Sagastume | Countertenor
Jesús García Arejula | Baritone
Miguel Zeberio, José Luis Ferro, Pedro Aginaga | Choir
Asier Hernández Landa, Teresa López de Munain, Vicente Gavira | Narrators
Enrike Solinís | Vihuela, Lavta, Lute, Theorbo, Guitar, Artistic Direction
Jordi Gil (Sputnik Studio) | Mixing and mastering | February 2015
Recorded by Aurelio Martínez in San Blas, Tolosa and Transforma Audio, Donostia
November 2014 | (p) & © 2015 ALIAVOX
Catalogue: AVSA9910