“Tomás Luis de Victoria, Santa Teresa and the Carmelite reform, the Song of Songs and other circumstances” was a program commissioned by the National Commission for the celebration of the Fifth Centenary of the birth of Santa Teresa de Jesus and released in 2015. That interpretation, nominated by GEMA for the best performance of Renaissance music, is now reflected in this recording.
Alternating with the plain chant of the "Angelis" Mass, on the time between the 15th and 16th centuries, various compositions by Tomás Luis de Victoria (1648-1711) are integrated, opening with the motet Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui to four voices, that puts music to the poem of the Biblical Song of Songs. The color of the ensemble, with four or five singers per voice and the support of the harp and organ, is the result of a faithful reconstruction in the sources of the 16th century.
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
Quam pulchri sunt gressus tui, a 4
Cantos llanos de la Misa "de Angelis" (finales s. XV o principios s. XVI)
1. In Conceptione Beata
2. Kyrie
3. Gloria
4. De Beata Virgine (Trate me post te, a 6)
5. Credo
6. In Assumptione Beata Maria Virginis (Vidi speciosam-Quae est ista, a 6)
7. Sanctus-Hosanna
8. In Purificatione Beata Maria Virginis (Nigra sum sed formosa, a 6)
9. Benedictus-Hosanna
10. De Beata Magdalena (Vadam et circuibo-Qualis est, a 6)
11. Agnus Dei
12. Lectura "Sobre aquellas palabras 'dilectus meus mihi'"
13. Ave Maria a 8
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Sara Águeda | Harp
Daniel Oyarzábal | Organ
David Guindano Igarreta | Conductor
Manuel Sagastume | Musical Advisor
Fernando Rivera | Sound Engineer
Recorded in Pamplona (Convento de las
Hermanas Carmelitas Descalzas de San José)
September 29 and 30, and October 1, 2017
(p) & © 2017 CCN MUSIC